4 May 2022

Heatherwick Studio Maggie’s Centre wins RIBA Yorkshire Award

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We are excited to announce that Maggie’s Yorkshire has won a RIBA Yorkshire Award.

The judges said:

“Maggie’s as a charity are well known for commissioning high profile architectural practices with a clear intention to not only provide an oasis of calm for cancer patients but at the same time, furthering architectural debate. 

In Maggie’s Yorkshire, this approach has once again been followed. And it has paid off, in abundance.

It would be very easy to take a generous budget, yet squander it, making grand gestures that aren’t practical or sustainable. It would also be easy to achieve a practical building that works for its client but has no soul. 

To the benefit of all the patients who visit this Maggie’s, to all the staff who work there, and to anyone lucky enough to visit, the architect has created a very special building, which addresses the client’s brief with full marks but moreover, has created a building with real heart and soul.”

You can read the full comments from the judges here: